The search portal of the Specialist Information Service Performing Arts

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Specialist Information Service for the Performing Arts

Since 2015, the Specialist Information Service for the Performing Arts (FID) for theatre and dance studies is being developed at the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg.

It developed out of the Information Service for Research, which is funded by the DFG, from the system of special collections, which was taken over through this offer of funding.

The search portal
A cross-institutional search function for dance, theatre and the other performing arts

The search portal of the FID for performing arts, which can be accessed here, offers a wide offer of search functions. You can search in a cross-medial portal, the index of which is based on library catalogues, archive indexes, databases and other information sources with the focus of the performing arts.

Cooperation between the VdT and the FID for performing arts

The databases of the VdT archives can be searched in this portal. For a joint presentation of artefacts, the members of the VdT have given access to a pilot metadata for the FID portal.
